Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yay Love!

Wow love…you came to visit!
I am overwhelmed and so very honored to meet your acquaintance
I did not know I was capable
I truly understand what God means when He says” Love is kind and not self-seeking”
If I had it my way I would take time out of everyday to say ‘I love you’
Make sure you’re ok
Give you hugs
Learn to cook really well so I can serve you dinner… with confidence!

Love feels good
Giving love feels good
And feeling good…feels good
Most importantly loving YOU feels right…the easiest thing I’ve ever done… next to writing this… about you
Thank you…for being you
And allowing me to be me

You say you’re not perfect but forgive me if I just look at your imperfections as signs that you are actually human and not an angel that will leave me soon
If you were perfect you wouldn’t be you and I wouldn’t have anything to do in helping you with in your quest for perfection
What a blessing this is to feel this way
This is living! LOVING is LIVING! Loving feels better than not!

Actively participating in the love in your life whether it’s from a friend, significant other, teacher, minister or puppy is exhilarating!
Love is best when it’s true, honest, unselfish, gentle, forgiving and accompanied by freedom.
I was created to love God and I am so glad you came with the package!

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