Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Letter To the Outside World

(The perils of not operating in your purpose)

I sit…I sit… I stand
I pace…I stop…I sit down again
That's how it is on the inside

There's 4 walls a few halls and no sunlight
"How am I supposed to breathe with no air" why can't I get a breeze?
Can't even see the trees
And you gotta buzz someone in that wants to visit me

Where did I go wrong or is this where I belong?
Wage is minimal, conditions are criminal
Using a certain jargon so your references are subliminal
But everywhere I look it's all the same, my friends my family they don't even have time to write to me

But this is life? This is how it's supposed to be?
But it ain't cool when freedom is closed to me!
I want to be run, jump and play but who's gonna pay… these bills today
I heard that if you do what you love then you'll never work a day in your life
Well, I interviewed for that job…and it was filled!

So I send a letter to the outside world from the 3rd floor suite two sixteen hoping somebody hears me
This feels more like cell block 105 hopin you take a long enough lunch to make it out alive!

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